Arrayjet Accelerates Functionality Enhancements

28 Apr 2008

Arrayjet today introduced a number of enhancements to its successful Marathon and Sprint microarray platforms. The Array Multiplier™ software module brings significant additional capabilities and functionalities to Arrayjet’s range of inkjet microarrayers. “The microarray market has willingly adopted our technology, though we are still new to the market”, said Commercial Director Duncan J Hall, ”and now we are responding by ramping up its development significantly and bringing new functionalities to the market, such as Array Multiplier, which enables printing of multi-pad or mini-arrays.” Hall continued, “When you consider that no user intervention with the print head or JetSpyder™ is required to print these arrays, and the speed with which we can print them, the whole package is much more attractive to potential users.”

Array Multiplier nicely complements Arrayjet’s North American distribution partner, BioMicro Systems, Inc., developer of the MAUI® Hybridization System. A MAUI Hybridization System key benefit is the ability to process multiple arrays currently on a single microarray slide, using one of the many models of MAUI Mixer Hybridization Chambers available. “We are excited about the new Array Multiplier software which further expands the compatibility between Arrayjet inkjet microarrayers and the MAUI Microarray Product Suite” stated Jessica Barrett, BioMicro Systems Sales and Marketing Director.

Tip of the Iceberg

“Array Multiplier is just the tip of the iceberg” Hall commented “We have a number of other projects in progress, some of which we’ll be able to talk about in more detail very soon.”

