Arrayscan VTI HCS Reader Is Now Available With an Integrated Confocal Module

8 Aug 2012
Tesni Perry
Administrator / Office Personnel

The Arrayscan VTI HCS Reader is a high performance modular platform for high content analysis and screening and now features an integrated CrEST X-Light confocal module to providing maximum flexibility for all your biology and cell based assay needs.

Featuring the latest in high-speed Nipkow spinning disk technology and a variable pinhole, you now have finer control over image acquisition across a range of objectives (magnifications) in order to balance image quality and performance for your most demanding cell biology experiments, e.g. stem cell colonies, tissues and 3D microenvironments.

Traditional confocal technology is only really of value at higher magnifications, however the variable pinhole technology incorporated into the ArrayScan Confocal Module overcomes this limitation to deliver the advantages of confocal imaging even at lower magnifications - ideal for tissues and complex morphologies such as angiogenic tubes, neurons and stem cell colonies.

Uniquely the ArrayScan Confocal Module is also integrated with our 4-color LED Light Engine, bringing robust, laser-like performance without the complications and cost of lasers and the need for alignment of camera, confocal and laser. This unique solid-state light source coupled to the variable pinhole confocal module and integrated into the world’s most productive high-content platform is truly designed to meet the demands of your most challenging high content assays.
