ASMS 2023: Top technology highlights from the Annual Conference

All the best mass spectrometry technology showcases from the ASMS annual conference in one easy-to-find place

23 Jun 2023
Lawrence Howes
Editorial Assistant
2023 Annual Conference

The American Society for Mass Spectrometry (ASMS) 2023 Annual Conference showcased cutting-edge technologies and innovations in the field of mass spectrometry. The event brought together leading scientists, researchers, and industry experts to share their latest technologies and solutions.

The conference highlighted significant advancements in sensitivity, resolution, and data analysis capabilities, empowering researchers to tackle complex scientific challenges. These innovations pave the way for exciting breakthroughs and discoveries in numerous fields of research. In its 71st year, the ASMS annual meeting continues to play a crucial role in advancing mass spectrometry and driving scientific progress.

Here are some of the key highlights from ASMS 2023:

Thermo Fisher Scientific introduces groundbreaking mass spectrometer

Thermo Fisher Scientific introduces groundbreaking mass spectrometer

Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., a leader in serving science, unveiled the Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Astral mass spectrometer, one of the most significant advancements in mass spectrometry in 15 years. The new Astral analyzer builds on Thermo Fisher’s proven Orbitrap mass spectrometry platform with novel technology to deliver up to two times deeper proteome coverage and up to four times more throughput compared to current mass spectrometers. Read more

Waters introduces DESI source for the Xevo TQ Absolute System

Waters introduces DESI source for the Xevo TQ Absolute System

Waters Corporation introduced the new desorption electrospray ionization (DESI) source for the Xevo TQ Absolute System at ASMS 2023. DESI enables direct analysis of samples without extensive sample preparation, making it a valuable tool for rapid analysis in various applications. The Xevo TQ Absolute System coupled with DESI offers improved sensitivity. Read more

Agilent Technologies announces new mass spectrometry solutions

Agilent Technologies announces new mass spectrometry solutions

Agilent Technologies, a leading provider of analytical instruments, unveiled new mass spectrometry solutions. The Agilent 6495D LC/TQ incorporates numerous intelligence features that address the transition between the ‘discovery phase’ of research and the ‘translational phase’ where studying a large volume of samples is crucial. The Agilent Revident Quadrupole Time-of-Flight LC/MS (LC/QTOF) System offers an entirely new instrument architecture coupled with instrument intelligence for maximized operation time and productivity. Revident is targeted toward food safety and environmental analysis but also has applications in other small molecule markets, from metabolomics to pharmaceuticals. Read more

Waters boosts resolution and triples scan speed of Select Series MRT

Waters boosts resolution and triples scan speed of Select Series MRT

Waters Corporation showcased its latest innovation, featuring enhanced resolution and tripled scan speed for the Select Series Mass Range Translators (MRT). This advancement is particularly valuable for metabolomics and MS imaging, enabling researchers to obtain higher quality data with increased efficiency. Read more

Bruker launches timsTOF Ultra Mass Spectrometer and VistaScan software

Bruker launches timsTOF Ultra Mass Spectrometer and VistaScan software

Bruker, a leading provider of scientific instruments, unveiled its timsTOF Ultra Mass Spectrometer and VistaScan software at ASMS 2023. The timsTOF Ultra offers enhanced sensitivity and resolution, enabling researchers to delve deeper into complex samples. With the VistaScan software, users can streamline data analysis and improve productivity. Read more

SCIEX launches the Intabio ZT system

Bruker launches timsTOF Ultra Mass Spectrometer and VistaScan software

SCIEX, a global leader in life science analytical technologies, launched the Intabio ZT system, the first fully-integrated microfluidic chip-based platform combining imaged capillary isoelectric focusing (icIEF) separation and UV detection. When coupled with mass spectrometry (MS) identification on the ZenoTOF 7600 system, it eliminates the guesswork from early drug development stages and accelerates drug candidate selection.

Shimadzu showcases the iMScope QT

Bruker launches timsTOF Ultra Mass Spectrometer and VistaScan software

Shimadzu corporation highlighted its iMScope QT at ASMS 2023. The iMScope QT inherits the concept of a mass spectrometer equipped with an optical microscope from the iMScope series, the iMScope QT is also Shimadzu's fllagship model for MS imaging with a Q-TOF MS. The iMScope QT boasts not only fusion with morphology studies but also excellent speed, sensitivity, and spatial resolution, clearing the way to next-generation mass spectrometry imaging. Learn more

908 Devices features its high-speed, high-resolution separations technology

Bruker launches timsTOF Ultra Mass Spectrometer and VistaScan software

908 Devices Inc, a pioneer of purpose-built handheld and desktop devices for chemical and biochemical analysis, showcased its ZipChip® CE-MS device for rapid characterization of critical product quality attributes for biologics, oligonucleotides, RNAs, and AAVs, with an oral presentation, seminar and a total of 19 posters at ASMS 2023. The ZipChip® platform prepares and separates a wide range of biological samples, then electrosprays them into your mass spec for analysis. The process takes as little as a few minutes, and it results in better separation quality than a lot of LCs on the market. As well as this, the platform offers benefits to those working with oligonucleotides as no ion-pairing agents are needed.

Phenomenex highlights the first study on AAV9 comparing micro vs. analytical flow utilizing its Kinetex Core-Shell technology

Bruker launches timsTOF Ultra Mass Spectrometer and VistaScan software

Phenomenex, a global life sciences company that offers analytical chemistry solutions for separation and purification, presented a poster session titled “Adeno-associated virus capsid proteins peptide mapping by analytical & micro flow reversed phase chromatography coupled to high resolution mass spectrometry.” In the session, Sergio Guazzotti, Business Development at Phenomenex, described how micro-LC-HRMS was used to obtain more accurate peptide mapping of AA9 viral proteins requiring only 1/20th of the sample required for analytical flow. View product

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