Aspectrics New Application Note Demonstrates Pioneering EP-NIR Analyzer Achieves Precise Quantification of Corn, Canola and Olive Oils Without False Positive Response

16 Jul 2007

Aspectrics, Inc., the innovator of patented Encoded Photometric Infrared (EP-NIR) and Near Infrared (EP-NIR) spectroscopy, has produced a new application note to demonstrate the ability of its ground-breaking MultiComponent™ 2750 EP-NIR analyzer to achieve unequivocal quantification of corn, canola and olive oils.

Coupled to an external Aspectrics halogen NIR source and a 2mm pathlength process transmission multimode fiber probe, the innovative analyzer provides quantification of the percentage volume of corn, canola and olive oils in mixtures containing all three oils. This new Aspectrics application note is available to download free-of-charge via the article webpage.

Entitled “Quantification of Corn, Canola and Olive Oils in Mixtures Containing All Three Oils Using an Apsectrics MC2750 EP-NIR Spectrometer”, this new application note shows conclusively that the revolutionary EP-NIR spectrometer is capable of collecting sufficient Near-IR information to allow for the difficult quantification of various oils, in a mixture of samples, without false positive response. In addition, the new application note proves the exceptional performance of a Process Transmission Multimode fiber probe, when coupled with the post-dispersive EP-NIR spectrometer. Lastly, the importance of access to the extended Near IR range was clearly demonstrated as very significant source, with spectral information being identified in the 2000-2600 nm range.

All spectra were collected using Aspectrics’ RTSS Chemometrics software package. Data collection parameters were 30-second time integration. All samples were analyzed in three replicates respectively, recollecting a new background between each assay. Data treatment consisted of calculating absorbance spectra using open beam configuration as a background, calculating the second order derivative for each absorbance spectrum and developing Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Principal Component Regression (PCR) based methods for the quantification and measurement of each type of oil.

Aspectrics’ EP-NIR analyzers offer a more efficient alternative to traditional NIR systems, with a spectral range extending further than the common 2100nm and achieving a range of 1375-2750nm. The patented Encoder Disk technology provides ultra fast sampling capability (100 Hz) for multi component analysis in a process rugged design to meet the demand for the process monitoring industry as well as the food and beverage industry.

