Attend the Advances in Recombinant Protein Technology 2013 Conference 19th & 20th November

2 Jul 2013
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

The Advances in Recombinant Protein Technology 2013 Conference, a meeting jointly organized by AstraZeneca, University of Manchester and ELRIG (European Laboratory Robotics Interest Group), will be held in Manchester on the 19th & 20th November.

The ability to produce proteins (as reagents or biotherapeutics) of sufficient quality and quantity is important for the academic and industrial sectors. The use of eukaryotic cells as hosts for expression and recovery of recombinant cellular, membrane or secreted proteins has developed markedly over the past decade.

The Advances in Recombinant Protein Technology 2013 Conference brings together academic and industrial researchers working on eukaryotic cells as protein expression hosts, and will address our current fundamental understanding about molecular events that determine productivity and quality attributes in the use of specific cell hosts for specific protein product categories. Delegate registration is free.

In particular, the conference will focus on the biology of existing host cells (in terms of competencies for protein expression), structural features associated with success of expression of specific proteins (including the relationships between specific proteins and host cells) and how both host cell and desired proteins may be engineered to generate new (synthetic) systems for enhanced product expression. The two day conference will consist of presentations by plenary speakers, workshop sessions with invited speakers and speakers selected from offered abstracts and a poster session. Participation will be strictly limited to 220 attendees to enable networking and informal discussion.

Confirmed Plenary Speakers:

Evolving stable and well expressing GPCRs for structure determination and drug screening
Andreas Plueckthun, University of Zurich

CHO genome engineering to decrease transcriptional and protein processing bottlenecks
Nicolas Mermod, University of Lausanne

Systems Biology for improving production of cellular products
Pedro Mendes, University of Manchester

Correct protein folding in the ER is driven through mitochondrial function
Randy Kaufman, Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Centre, La Jolla

Maximizing recombinant protein expression through systematic gene design
Claes Gustafsson, DNA 2.0, San Francisco

Book your stand at the AstraZeneca Conference Centre Here:

Call for Abstracts – Deadline July 29th

Send in your talks for a potential Podium Presentation: Submit a Talk Title, brief summary and your contact details to

Submit an Abstract to:

Mark your Abstract with the ‘Recombinant Protein Technology’ show . Topic areas: Proteins OR Cells

