Aurora Launches H1N1 Reagent Kit

23 Aug 2009
Michael Norris
Marketing / Sales

Aurora is pleased to announce the availability of a new Influenza A / H1N1 diagnostic detection kit. The kit is designed for in vitro quantification of influenza A swine flu subtype H1N1. Multiple sequence alignments and validation of this kit against a positive H1N1 patient sample ensure that this is an ideal kit for detection.

The kit contains ready-to-use reagents, offers fast real-time detection and provides excellent sensitivity and high specificity. Specifically designed primers as well as a composite fluorescent probe allow utilization of realtime fluorescent PCR amplification to target the genetic sequence of the influenza A /H1N1.

The H1N1 reagent kit is also optimized for use in automated liquid handling workstations. By combining this kit with Aurora’s VERSA™ workstations laboratories can fully automate the amplification process thereby reducing cost and operator error, while increasing efficiency.

