Automated Cannabis Testing Solutions Offer Reliability and Lowered Turnaround Times

21 Feb 2019
Matthew Horan

Hamilton Robotics and Medicinal Genomics continue to combine their respective strengths to benefit the rapidly expanding and evolving cannabis testing market. As such, assay technologies based on Medicinal Genomics’ vast expertise in cannabis genetics are optimized for use on Hamilton’s automated liquid handling workstations. The collaborative solutions will be showcased at the 5th Annual Emerald Conference and detailed in the upcoming co-authored application note, titled, “Automated Cannabis DNA Purification and Microbial Safety Testing to Comply with Canadian and Individual U.S. State Requirements”.

Featured in this latest application note are the SenSATIVAx® DNA Purification Kit to purify cannabis and microbial DNA from any matrix, and the qPCR-based PathoSEEK® Microbial Safety Testing Platform, which is the only microbial testing method validated on cannabis and designed for use with flowers, extracts and a variety of infused products. The highly validated assay chemistries are automated on Hamilton’s Microlab® STARlet automated liquid handler to offer significantly increased throughput with reduced manual labor and variability compared to manual methods.

“Hamilton was the natural choice in an automation partner,” noted Heather Ebling, Senior Applications and Support Manager at Medicinal Genomics. “Not only are they great to work with, they also have reliable, precision-based equipment that we use internally to automate several of our workflows.”

