Automated Decapper for Screw Cap Sample Storage Tubes

16 Feb 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

The ScrewCap DeCapper available from Micronic Europe BV is a compact, automated instrument for the opening and closing of screw-capped tubes (0.5 - 1.4ml).

With the ScrewCap DeCapper - Hamilton and Micronic provide a new benchtop automated solution for the sample storage market. Hamilton has chosen Micronic as their European partner for selling benchtop equipment for storage of biological materials like DNA, cells, blood, tissue and plant materials as well as compound library storage in drug discovery research.

The programmable ScrewCap DeCapper opens a row of 12 tubes simultaneously, increasing productivity over one-at-a-time methods and providing more flexibility than systems that decap 96 tubes at once. Decapping or recapping of a complete rack of 96 screw capped tubes takes less than one minute.

Many quality and safety functions have been designed into the Micronic ScrewCap DeCapper. The instrument operates from outside to inside rows, eliminating the possibility of drip contamination that can occur with the 96-tube decappers. Built-in torque monitoring ensures a consistent seal and reports the exact location in the event a tube is not completely sealed. After removal, the caps are placed on a separate, removable cap holder, which enables batch processing. The ScrewCap DeCapper can operate as a standalone system or can be simply integrated with most commercial automated pipetting workstations.

Dedicated to the design and production of innovative sample storage tubes, accessories and instruments over the last 25 years, Micronic is uniquely able to offer laboratories the expert advice to help them safeguard one of its most valuable assets - its samples.

