Automated Measurements at the Single Cell Level Made Easy

14 Jul 2008

The Thermo Scientific Cellomics ArrayScan VTI, the most productive High Content imaging platform on the market, is the cornerstone of our new Thermo Scientific Cellular Imaging WorkStation. We've partnered our industry leading ArrayScan with robot addressable liquid handling and incubation so you can perform an even wider array of assays. Our Cellular Imaging WorkStation is able to automate the workflow of quantifying individual cell responses.

Our Cellular Imaging Workstation is a complete, ready-to-use solution that will fit on most standard lab benches. It increases the throughput, walk-away time and efficiency of any laboratory doing live and/or kinetic endpoint high content assays. Featuring best-in-class Thermo Scientific instrumentation, it's been preconfigured to work together easily.

You'll love the impressive functionality we've packed into a small footprint. Our Cellular Imaging Workstation schedules tasks efficiently enabling multiple pipetting protocols and plate incubations to be performed per experiment. Multiple aspirates with air gap, aspirate/dispense from all plate locations, and read-through-dispense capability are unique features of our Liquid Handling Module. Our Thermo Scientific CataLyst Express robot handles all plate movements, including delidding, allowing you to walk-away with confidence.

Our Cellular Imaging WorkStation includes these Thermo Scientific products:

  • ArrayScan VTI, HCS reader
  • ArrayScan HCS reader software
  • ArrayScan Liquid Handling Module
  • ArrayScan Live Cell Chamber
  • CataLyst Express Robot with Delidder
  • Cytomat C2 CO2 Incubator (42 plate capacity)

Read our application note to learn how our CIW can be used to measure carbachol mediated Ca2+ changes in cells over expressing the rat M1 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor. This benchtop solution is designed for automated measurements at the single cell level to provide confirmation of hits from GPCR based HTS campaigns.
