Automated Target Enrichment Using the SeqCap EZ DNA Kit on an ACSIA Platform

The SeqCap EZ DNA kit allows easy target enrichment, whilst avoiding human error

8 Mar 2016
Weylan Kiam-Laine

Libraries preparation and target enrichment steps of next generation sequencing protocols are laborious and often a source of error (minimum of 4 working days to prepare 48 libraries – 8 multiplex).

PrimaDiag developed the ACSIA NGS Edition pipetting platform to efficiently automate the targeted enrichment steps. The ACSIA platform allows the enrichment of up to 48 multiplex by using SeqCap EZ DNA kit. All liquid handling parameters are carefully optimized for minimal reagents consumption and the protocols are optimized to minimize the number of tips used (3 tip boxes for preparing 48 multiplex instead of 9).

