Automation-friendly, Label-free Cytotoxicity Assay Suite Paves the Way for Earlier Identification of Toxic Compounds

14 Oct 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

SRU Biosystems has developed label-free, high-throughput toxicity applications that provide the opportunity for multiple high value readouts in a single assay. In addition to cell death and mechanism of action, BIND toxicity assays using cardiomyocytes can also include readouts on beating frequency and amplitude.

There is a great drive to reduce inefficiencies and costs of drug development. At least 30% of drug attrition is due to toxicity or off-target side effects and at least half of those are due to cardiac or liver interactions. The advent of embryonic stem cell (ES) and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS)-derived cardiomyocytes now enables in vitro toxicity assays on biologically relevant cell types.

BIND Toxicity Assay Features:
• Continuous, real-time monitoring of acute and long-term cytotoxicity
• Universal assay compatible with cell lines, primary cells and stem cells
• High throughput, label-free assay: 96-and 384-well formats
• Run assay and collect data within incubator at 37°C and 95% humidity
• Information-rich kinetic data for toxicity profiling
• Culture cells directly on biosensors for streamlined assays
