Axiom Analytical, Inc. Announces a New Capability for Analyzing and Monitoring Polymer Melts During Extrusion

5 Nov 2007
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

Axiom Analytical Inc., a leading supplier of sampling equipment, software, and integrated systems for all forms of molecular spectroscopy, today announced the availability of its FPX-250 "Extruder Access" Optical Transmission Probes.

Near-infrared spectroscopy provides a powerful means for monitoring the chemical composition of numerous substances during manufacture. It has found broad application in fields ranging from the analysis of agricultural products to in-line monitoring of both continuous and batch chemical processes. However, the application of near-IR to extrusion processes has been limited by the difficulty of gaining access to the material within an extruder. Axiom Analytical has now solved this problem by introducing an optical transmission probe that can be mounted in any of the ½-20 UNF pressure transducer fittings that are available on most polymer extruders.

Until now, NIR monitoring of polymer melts and other extrusion processes required a flow cell either at the output of an extruder or in a recirculating loop. While providing excellent spectroscopic results, this arrangement has serious limitations since it is only compatible with small-diameter flow paths and often requires modification of the existing equipment. As a result, it has generally been applied only to small-scale extruders. Previous attempts to introduced transmission probes directly into the body of a large scale extruder have been thwarted by the lack of suitable fittings and the fact that the penetration depth required by existing transmission probe designs was incompatible with extrude design.

The new FPX-250 transmission probe is designed to fit the ½-20 UNF “Dynisco-compatible” fittings widely used for extruder pressure transducers. At the same time, its design has greatly reduced the required penetration into the melt. It thus is compatible with any size extruder and can be quickly attached without requiring modification to existing equipment. This makes it practical to use Near-Infrared spectroscopy for short term analysis and troubleshooting as well as for continuous long term polymer process monitoring.

