Babraham Institute Adopts DNASTAR Lasergene Software

3 Oct 2013
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

DNASTAR has announced that the Babraham Institute has chosen DNASTAR Lasergene software as its primary sequence assembly and analysis software platform for researchers within its organization.

A spokesperson for the Babraham Institute said, “Many of our scientists have used Lasergene sequence analysis software for several years and been extremely satisfied with it. We believe it will help advance our research to have all of our scientists use consistent, effective software tools. That is why we decided to standardize our sequence analysis software with Lasergene. We took advantage of this opportunity to allow our team to have access to strong molecular biology software on a virtually unlimited basis at a very reasonable cost. This arrangement will help support our success in achieving our mission for many years to come.”

Tom Schwei, Vice President and General Manager of DNASTAR, stated, “We are pleased to have entered into this agreement with the Babraham Institute, which is committed to supporting lifelong health for individuals. This site license provides a uniform structure that will support scientists and staff at the Babraham Institute in all of their scientific research endeavors for many years to come.

As we continue to develop our software, all scientists within the Institute will benefit by having immediate access to the most recent innovations in our products. We appreciate the trust placed in our software, support, and company by the Institute’s management and we look forward to continuing to meet their sequence assembly and analysis software needs in the future.”
Financial terms of the arrangement were not disclosed.

