Bar coded Certified Reference Materials for accurate tracking

7 Feb 2008
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

Certified Reference Materials (CRM) sets supplied by Starna Scientific now feature set identification labels and support documentation that contain unique serial number bar codes. This facility is detailed on every new or re-certified set.

The new QA initiative makes Starna the only UV-Visible/NIR CRM supplier currently providing bar coded CRM sets to customers. This is particularly relevant in the pharmaceutical industry and other highly regulated environments.

The bar codes enable accurate tracking of reference type and serial number within the customers’ laboratory and QA department as well as when CRM sets are returned to Starna for re-certification. The bar code initiative saves time and potential transcription errors by eliminating the need for manual entry of the set identifiers into computer-based systems, such as Laboratory Information Management Systems, LIMS.

Starna Certified Reference Materials are the most convenient and accessible tools for validating spectrophotometric measurements in the ultra-violet and visible regions satisfying the most stringent requirements of all international control bodies.

Starna CRMs are fully traceable to NIST primary standards and are manufactured under ISO Guide 34 conditions, which are accepted world wide as the highest Standard commercially available.

Starna Scientific is also the only supplier of UV/Visible CRMs to be approved as a Reference Material Supplier by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) and to hold both ISO 17025 and Guide 34 accreditations.

