Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Celebrates Opening of Revolutionary New Blood Sciences Department

7 Jan 2008

A revolutionary new ‘Blood Sciences’ laboratory has been officially opened at Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. Bringing together the disciplines of clinical chemistry, haematology, immunoassay and serology, the laboratory’s total automated solution from Siemens Medical Solutions Diagnostics has streamlined and improved the analysis of blood samples, enabling the laboratory to remain competitive in the diagnostic testing marketplace, whilst helping the trust to meet cost improvement objectives.

Steve Hall, Professional & Technical Head of Pathology Services at the Trust, explains, “When our chemistry, immunoassay and haematology analysers were coming to the end of their lease, we started to look at how we could provide an affordable, modernised service. Faced with ever increasing workloads and under enormous financial pressure, we were looking to reduce costs without compromising on quality. We realised that we had scope to introduce automation and we invited companies to offer solutions. The track-based automated solution was the most attractive option for us as it significantly reduces staff input, which is our biggest cost. Of four companies that were short listed, it was Siemens Diagnostics that could best meet our needs in terms of the complete package that they offer, from instrumentation and automation capabilities, through supervision and management of the installation, to ongoing running and maintenance in a managed service contract, which was particularly appealing to us.”

The new automated system from Siemens Diagnostics incorporates two ADVIA® 2400 Chemistry Analysers, two ADVIA Centaur® Immunoassay Analysers and two ADVIA® 2120 Haematology analysers, linked on the ADVIA® LabCell® Automation Solution with online centrifugation and data concentration provided by an ADVIA CentraLink® Networking Solution.

“The implementation went like clockwork,” continues Steve Hall. "Everything is up and running smoothly and we are now in the early stages of staff integration, involving cross-training to ensure the necessary skill mix to support the multidisciplinary work.”

Gary Hammond, Head of Service and Support at Siemens Medical Solutions Diagnostics, comments, “We have extensive experience in installing automated pathology solutions. Our technical staff and project managers have become very effective and efficient at coordinating building works, remodelling laboratories and installing the equipment, with minimal inconvenience to the customer.”

“Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust is to be commended for having the courage to do something completely different in order to meet their objectives,” adds Sueann Densley, Chemistry and Automation Marketing Manager at Siemens Diagnostics. “They have completely embraced the concept of an automated Blood Sciences Laboratory and there has been a significant commitment to change within the Trust, from the senior management down, which has ensured the success of the project.”

“Yet again Barnsley Hospital has installed the world’s best equipment in an innovative move to improve patient safety and service,” says Trust Chairman Gordon Firth. “This means our pathology service is one of the best in the country and we are very proud of that.”

“The combined Blood Sciences Department allows us to provide a quality service, whilst reducing costs in terms of staff hours, which will be achieved through natural wastage,” concludes Steve Hall. “The automation means that there is less time spent fetching and carrying samples around the laboratory, ensuring more efficient use of staff skills. All in all, it has greatly improved the pathology service that we can offer as a Trust and has enabled us to be in a strong position for potential future partnerships.”

