Beckman Coulter Expands Proteome Partitioning Chemistry Line for Biomarker Discovery

8 Feb 2006

Beckman Coulter, Inc. introduces IgY-R7 Rodent and Single-Component Chemistries to its family of ProteomeLab™ Partitioning Systems, for the isolation and analysis of protein-based biomarkers.

The new IgY-R7 Rodent Chemistry selectively partitions seven highly abundant proteins – up to 70 per cent of the protein mass – from rat or mouse serum or plasma. The new Single-Component kits specifically capture a choice of seven key highly abundant plasma proteins, enabling a more targeted approach for specific protein partitioning.

Beckman Coulter’s IgY chemistries are based on avian-generated antibodies and offer cleaner capture and broader antigen-binding host range than other methods because of the evolutionary distance between chickens and mammals. The partitioning method enables the investigator to isolate and characterize the low and highly abundant proteins. The new rodent and single-component kits join the first chemistry, ProteomeLab IgY-12, optimized for humans and other primates. These unique chemistries produce an enriched proteome plentiful in low-abundant proteins – the primary target for biomarker discovery. This material can then be collected and fractionated by Beckman Coulter’s ProteomeLab PF 2D System or applied to a 2-D electrophoresis gel, and further analyzed by mass spectrometry or immunoassay.

“Highly abundant proteins significantly mask potential biomarkers,” explained Jerry Feitelson, Ph.D., Manager of Beckman Coulter’s Proteomics Business Centre. “Our line of unique partitioning chemistries allows researchers to dig deeper into the rodent proteome by removing highly abundant proteins, enhancing the discovery and validation of biomarkers. The single-component products permit selective isolation and characterization of highly abundant proteins. Researchers exploring toxicoproteomics using rodent models of human disease will particularly benefit from this technology.”

The seven proteins captured with the Rodent chemistry are albumin, IgG, fibrinogen, transferrin, alpha-1-antitrypsin, haptoglobin and IgM. This broad spectrum fills key gaps in competing products, which only address one to three highly abundant mouse proteins. The IgY-R7 Proteome Partitioning Chemistry is packaged in three formats: a high-capacity LC column that can yield 25 mg of enriched proteome per day, a medium-capacity LC column that can yield 5 mg per day and a pair of spin columns that can yield 4 mg per day. These products are available as complete solutions including validated methodology, the necessary reagents and instrumentation. Single-component kits are available for human serum albumin, rat serum albumin, bovine serum albumin, IgG, transferrin, fibrinogen and HDL. The Single-Component chemistries are offered in a spin column format for use with Beckman Coulter’s ProteomeLab SP Sample Preparation System, which includes validated protocols, separation module, sample preparation rotors and adapters.

