Beckman Coulter Features VERIS MDx System at 2014 ECCMID Congress
8 May 2014
Beckman Coulter to present VERIS MDx at ECCMID, a new fully automated, random access molecular diagnostics system for the quantitative and qualitative analysis of molecular targets from clinical patient specimens.
As part Beckman Coulter’s commitment to advancing the field of molecular diagnostics the company will feature scientific data on the VERIS MDx System at the 2014 European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID) to be held on 10‐13 May in Barcelona, Spain. Researchers will present five studies on the VERIS system and the company will offer an educational symposium addressing issues in viral load monitoring. The VERIS MDx System and VERIS human Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Assay received CE Marks earlier this year.
Beckman Coulter leaders and researchers will present data during Poster Session V, Molecular and Non‐molecular Diagnostics of Viruses taking place from 13:30 to 14:30 on Monday, 12 May in the Poster Area:
• Poster P1404: Performance Evaluation of the Beckman Coulter VERIS Cytomegalovirus Assay on the VERIS MDX System
Authors: Qing Li; James Williams; Kevin Maggert; Andrea Lehr; Ann LeMonte; Amy Pantone; Jennifer Strefling; Steve Kye; Kenneth Fife; Tamra Roddy; Sam
Shin; Dennis Broyles
• Poster P1405: Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Viral Load Assay for the VERIS Platform
Authors: H. Duan; S. Lim; J. Richards; J. O’Neil; M. Stokes; P. David; M. Narayan; N. Jiang; B. John, T. Su; B. Lembke; N. Tusneem; E. Gustafson; T. Scholl
• Poster P1406: VERIS Molecular – Diagnostic System Sample‐to‐SampleCrossover Contamination Study
Authors: Tom Arnold; Mark Rundell; Kimberly Frey; Bill Hanson; Brian Wilson;
Humayun Qureshi
• Poster P1422: Quantitative Detection of Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) on the VERIS Platform
Authors: J. Arter Williams; J.A. Rodriguez; Z. Wang; K.L. Lykstad; G.K. Donvito; J.Y.
Fung; A.E. Parsons; V.V. Colinayo; E.A. Gustafson; T. Scholl
• Poster P1424: Quantitative Detection of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) on the VERIS Platform
Authors: Elaine Joseph; Zihua Wang; Yu Xu; Peter Brannen; James Wood;
Benjamin John, Susan Hamann; Erik Gustafson; Tom Scholl
To expand the scientific discussion regarding management of patients with infectious diseases, Beckman Coulter is also hosting the following symposium regarding challenges and opportunities for enhancement of viral load monitoring.
Advances in Patient Care for Viral Load Monitoring
Topics: The Future of HCV, HIV Patient Management and Challenges for Viral Load Monitoring
• Massimo Puoti, MD, Director of Infectious Disease, Niguarda Ca Granda Hospital, Milan, Italy;
• Joop Arends, MD, Ph.D., Infectious Diseases Physician, University Medical Center,
• DIGD Department of Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases, Utrecht, Netherlands;
• Herve Fleury, MD, PhD, Director of Virology, University Hospital of Bordeaux – Hospital Pellegrin, Bordeaux France
Time: 13:30 to 15:30. Saturday, May 10
Location: Centre Convencions International Barcelona, Hall H
Additional information about VERIS will be showcased within Beckman Coulter’s Congress exhibition booth (No. 59B).
VERIS MDx is a new fully automated, random access molecular diagnostics system for the quantitative and qualitative analysis of molecular targets from clinical patient specimens. VERIS integrates key steps in molecular diagnostics to streamline workflow and system management. By providing continuous access, one‐step loading and individual test reporting, VERIS helps molecular laboratory professionals apply their scientific expertise to support clinical needs, providing the control and freedom to give the right answer at the right time — for patients and physicians.
Beckman Coulter is committed to the ongoing development of assays to expand the VERIS infectious disease portfolio and plans to submit for CE Mark for assays for Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) and Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) in 2014.