Benzo[a]pyrene ELISA Launched by Bioo Scientific to Rapidly Screen Food for Oil Spill Contaminants

31 Aug 2011
Roger Wayman
Administrator / Office Personnel

Bioo Scientific has launched the MaxSignal® Benzo[a]pyrene ELISA Kit to facilitate the screening for benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) contamination in fish, shrimp, meat and water samples. BaP is a carcinogenic component of oil that can enter the food chain during oil spills. The MaxSignal Benzo[a]pyrene ELISA Kit is the first ELISA to offer validated extraction protocols for the rapid and inexpensive testing of both food and water samples for BaP.

With high recovery rates >75% and sensitive detection limits, the MaxSignal Benzo[a]pyrene ELISA Kit offers a unique, proprietary extraction protocol greatly reducing both the cost and time (typically less than 2 hours regardless of the number of samples) required for BaP analysis in seafood and meat samples. The level of concern for BaP in finfish has been established at 35 ppb. MaxSignal Benzo[a]pyrene ELISA Kit offers detection limits of 2.5 ppb for fish, shrimp and meat, making this kit ideal for customers who need to ensure that their seafood and meat products are free of BaP contamination. The MaxSignal Benzo[a]pyrene ELISA Kit also offers a detection limit of 0.3 ppb for water samples.

The method is based on a competitive colorimetric ELISA assay. The BaP conjugate has been coated in the plate wells. During the analysis, a sample is added along with the primary antibody specific for BaP. If the target is present in the sample, it will compete for the antibody, thereby preventing the antibody from binding to the BaP attached to the wells. The secondary antibody, tagged with a peroxidase enzyme, targets the primary antibody associated with the BaP coated on the plate wells. The resulting color intensity, after addition of substrate, has an inverse relationship with the target concentration in the sample.

This kit is manufactured to the international quality standard ISO 9001:2008.

This kit includes all of the reagents required for BaP screening including standards and a pre-coated, 96-well breakaway strip plate.
