Better Results from Automated Cell Based Assays using Hamilton’s Tilt Module on the STARline

28 Aug 2007

To ensure gentle handling of delicate cell-lines, Hamilton Robotics is offering a Tilt Module, to assist with automation of cell based assays. The module can be used on any new or existing STARline Liquid Handling Robot and addresses many of the common problems associated with automating Cell Based Assays.

Many automated systems require a complete re-assessment of assay processes in order to achieve reliable assay data. The most critical step often is the removal of cell supernatant without disturbing a cell monolayer. Due to the horizontal deck of many automation systems, it is often difficult to maintain a cell layer’s integrity during aspiration and dispensing procedures. Even aspiration and dispense steps performed down the side of the well or roving within the well are simply not gentle enough for some semi-adherent cell lines.

Hamilton’s Tilt Module mimics the way these steps are performed on the bench by raising one end of the plate, just as you would when aspirating manually.

The module can be used with any standard SBS format plates and the tilt angle can be varied to achieve the best results for a given cell line. Furthermore both the 96 head and channel configuration can be used to access the tilted plate making optimal use of your STARline Liquid Handling Robot.

