Bibby Scientific Gives School Children the Opportunity to Experiment in a Real Laboratory During British Science Week 2016
29 Feb 2016
Bibby Scientific, a leading manufacturer of laboratory equipment, has announced that it will be hosting up to 200 local school children to attend a series of scientific and engineering workshops at the company’s manufacturing facilities in Staffordshire, UK, during British Science Week (11-20 March 2016).
Following the hugely successful events of last year, Bibby Scientific is offering students aged 11-12 the chance to participate in a range of scientific workshops designed to complement the national curriculum. The event, named Equipment for Science, aims to inspire the students through hand-on experiments. These will include pH measurements of food and drink, color measurement using spectroscopy, exploring what temperature is and learning about sample mixing and shaking for a wide range of life science applications.
Bibby Scientific will also provide guided tours of its facilities in Stone and will be running a competition for students to win valuable laboratory equipment for their schools.
“Educating young people about science and promoting it in a positive way is becoming increasingly important for future generations,” said Dr Jayne Bates, Technical Support Manager at Bibby Scientific. “British Science Week gives everyone, particularly young children, the opportunity to get involved and we welcome the chance to interact with the wider community.”
These activities are part of Bibby Scientific’s on-going support program with local schools.