Bibby Scientific Incorporates Qualoupe Lite into More Instruments for Better Data Tracking and Storage

12 Aug 2014
Kathryn Rix
Administrator / Office Personnel

Qualoupe Lite, Bibby Scientific’s low cost, intuitive laboratory information management system (LIMS), is now available across an even wider selection of the company’s laboratory equipment. The system, compatible with Jenway 7300, 7305, 67 series, Genova Plus and Genova Nano spectrophotometers, Jenway 4510 bench conductivity meter and the Stuart SMP40 automatic melting point, provides a convenient solution for laboratories in need of a simple, auditable data storage system.

Qualoupe Lite is ideal for small and medium laboratories in the academic and commercial sectors, delivering powerful but straightforward functions for storing and retrieving laboratory results and data. This affordable LIMS eliminates the need to spend large amounts of money on overcomplicated software – a common problem faced by laboratories looking to upgrade from a traditional paper or multiple PC storage system. Using Qualoupe Lite, analysis results and method information can be transferred easily from the instruments to the database, either by a direct connection or via removable media, ready to be recalled for review at any point.

Simple procedures for setting up new tests, adding pass and fail limits and recalling results mean that the system can be used to store and recall laboratory data with minimal training. Users can print a results report from the Sample Manager application, and have the option to upgrade to a full Qualoupe LIMS system in the future. Qualoupe Lite is also available in French and German language versions.

