BINDER Announces SECURE.GUARD™ Ultra Low Temperature Freezer for Multi-User Labs

12 Jan 2011
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

The SECURE.GUARD™ ULT freezer (ultra low temperature) from BINDER is based on an innovative 4-zone security concept and provides reliable cooling and storage of specimens at -86 °C.

The SECURE.GUARD™ is available in three different sizes: UF V 300 with 365l, UF V 500 with 485l and UF V 700 with 725l capacities. The following features make the SECURE.GUARD™ the safest ULT freezer (ultra low temperature) in the multi-user laboratory: Personalized access control via key card, electronically-controlled door mechanism (opens at the touch of a button, closes automatically), secure data storage and simple data readout via Data Logger, multiple interfaces for connecting to the security and alarm infrastructure, uncomplicated filter replacement thanks to easily accessible air filter, clean de-icing thank to defrosting kit and unique 24-hour unit exchange service in case of emergency.

