BINDER launches innovation campaign for ACHEMA 2006

7 May 2006

Innovations are part of BINDER’s survival strategy. If the company wants to maintain its leading global position as the largest manufacturer of specialized climatic and temperature chambers, it will have to be one step ahead of its competitors with respect to technology and creativity, also in the future.

The company invested €8 million for a new Research and Development Center. The positive results of this investment are already evident, since this increased focus on research has paid off in launching a total of six new product innovations.

Modular design concept

These advanced MFK series climatic test chambers set new standards in Research and Development, Quality Assurance and Materials Testing. The main advantage of this redesigned series, in addition to technical improvements, are the enhanced ergonomics and operation. In addition, BINDER’s new design has created the basis for a modular system, giving customers the opportunity of configuring a multitude of special applications inside the chamber on their own.

Fast, simple, efficient

With BINDER’s KB Series refrigerated incubators, customers can perform refrigerated incubation safely and precisely, even at elevated ambient temperatures. The program controller of this new generation expands the flexibility of these refrigerated incubators, so that incubation cycles can be run easily and smoothly even over weekends – a useful option when testing the storage stability of foodstuffs. The integrated real-time clock function is particularly useful when processing large numbers of specimens with timed heating and cooling phases, as it permits more effective time management.

Growth without stress

The application potential for modern plant cultivation is huge. Increasing the nutritional value through vitamin enrichment, resistance against pests in order to improve the yield of important useful crops, and cost-effective production of precious bio raw materials, are just a few examples.

The success of complex cytobiological studies depends on the technical prerequisites. In their early phase of embryogenesis, plants must be protected against undesirable contamination, which requires optimization of airflow and lighting conditions. The new KBW-Series plant growth chambers permits individual programming of temperature cycles with real-time characteristics.

Unique solution

BINDER vacuum drying ovens ensure high drying quality under vacuum. The patented APT.line® expanded rack technology guarantees exact temperature equalization of the material to be dried and absolute homogenous heat distribution. The unique APT.line®-preheating chamber technology provides complete temperature equalization of all five chamber walls. This securely prevents condensation and thus does not affect the drying results because of residual moisture. In addition, the high-quality stainless steel tank ensures perfect corrosion protection. The new VD/L series controller is equipped with LED and LCD display and offers up to 20 program sections, adjustable ramp function through the program editor, and variable temperature cycles.

Genuine global players

Climatic chambers must ensure highest precision at all times, even when operating in regions with high temperature and humidity. BINDER’s new generation KBF-Series constant climate chambers can handle ambient temperatures up to 32° C [90° F] with absolute reliability and offer constant test climate conditions in unequaled quality.

24% additional space

Absolute sterility is of critical importance in medical laboratories. This particularly applies for tissue culture incubators used for cell cultivation. BINDER’s newly designed interior chamber of the CB-Series now offers even higher precision. The new inner chamber comes with integrated sliding racks, dispensing with labor-intensive cleaning procedures, since it has no intricate interior fittings. This new feature reduces the potential surface for contamination by 27% and also creates additional space for culture vessels on wider shelves. Keeping the outside dimensions the same as with previous models, the useful volume of the new CB 150 model has been increased by 24%.

Standardized custom features

In contrast to competitors who offer a full range of products, BINDER’s focus is on highly specialized solutions. “This is the reason for our success,” says Peter Michael Binder. “As a medium-sized company, we are far more flexible and can respond much faster than our competitors, who are often inhibited by complex corporate structures. For instance, if our sales office in Malaysia requires a special solution for one of its customers, this problem is then directly channeled to our Research and Development Division in Tuttlingen. This division then develops an appropriate basic solution model in accordance with customer specifications, as well as an initial virtual CAD-based concept for implementation, and a cost estimate. This then provides us the necessary information to decide whether the concept is feasible or not. We don't need complicated discussions and synchronization between the various levels within the hierarchy. Instead, we can make a decision for or against a product innovation within one week.”

