Binder temperature chamber to assist medical care in Peru

17 Dec 2007
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

BINDER is not just a leading innovator and the world’s largest manufacturer of specialized simulation cabinets for scientific and industrial laboratories, it has also made a serious commitment to social responsibility. In Peru, for example, BINDER supports the charitable Diospi Suyana Organization. Binder has donated a temperature chamber valued at €2,000 to the Diospi Suyana Hospital in Curahuasi, Peru. The BINDER drying oven will be used in the hospital laboratory to perform microbiological and serological experiments and for coagulation tests.

BINDER GmbH has donated a temperature chamber to the Diospi Suyana Hospital in Curahuasi, which is located in the Andes in southern Peru. The charitable Diospi Suyana Organization was founded by Dr. Martina and Dr. Klaus-Dieter John in August 2002 in order to finance an ecumenical mission hospital. This facility was established primarily to provide better medical care to the people of Peru in an effort to reduce the high infant mortality rate and low life expectancy resulting from poverty. The work to complete this hospital, located at an elevation of 8,500 feet, started in May 2005. The hospital was inaugurated in October 2007.

In presenting this donation, Peter Michael Binder, owner of BINDER GmbH, noted that “many of Peru's population live in poverty and cannot afford medical care. Under these circumstances, even a minor illness can be life-threatening. We are pleased to contribute to the success of the Diospi Suyana project and hope that our products will assist local doctors in establishing an appropriate work environment.”

