BINDER Ultra Low Temperature Freezer UF V: Excellent Energy Efficiency Due to Water Cooling

9 Jun 2014
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

In the field of cell biology in particular, a wide variety of samples including nucleic acid or protein samples have to be preserved for longer periods of time. At temperatures down to – 86°C, samples often remain frozen for several weeks up to several years. 100% reliability of the cooling system is essential. Otherwise, any interruption could result in the complete loss of the research results, requiring the results to be recreated, which costs time and money.

Safety on the highest level
Just as essential is a high standard of safety for the unit. Some years ago, there were several scandals in the pharmaceutical industry that lead to the establishment of the so-called GLP guidelines, a quality assurance system, which includes all organizational structures and the process of analysis and testing for the approval of drugs. The guidelines should ensure improved protections against tampering with the raw data to prevent manipulation during the approval process. For this reason, sample safety is of greatest importance for any scientist.

Personalized access control
The BINDER ULTRA.GUARDTM ultra low temperature freezer of the UF V series does it all. The unit is designed for safe long-term storage of samples at –86 °C. In addition, it is based on a multi-stage safety concept, which guarantees an extremely high standard of safety. With RFID technology for personalized access control, the samples are protected against unauthorized access by third parties. This ensures that only laboratory employees accredited by the laboratory manager can open the ultra low temperature freezer. In addition, a user log continuously documents every time the specimens are accessed. An RFID reader is used to read and transfer the data in text format to a PC.

Water cooling increases performance
To reliably maintain the extreme temperature of -86 °C, the cooling capacity of the unit must be very high. In addition, attention is increasing on good energy efficiency for new units. For this reason, BINDER has optionally added the water cooling function to the ULTRA.GUARDTM. By connecting the unit to the building's cooling system, waste heat is dissipated more effectively, the cooling capacity of the freezer is increased and space heating and related energy consumption of the air conditioning system are reduced.

Unique door opening
Another advantage is opening the electro-mechanical door lock by the simple push of a button. You can even use your elbow to operate the door switch after which the door swings open smoothly.

