Binding Site Launches Optilite, the Most Advanced Special Protein System Yet

27 Jul 2015
Sonia Nicholas
Managing Editor and Clinical Lead

Optilite®: The Future of Special Protein Analysis

Optilite® is the first new special protein analyzer on the market for a significant number of years. Laboratories at the forefront of clinical chemistry are therefore excited by the new system that will see its US debut at the AACC Annual Meeting and Clinical Lab Expo this week.

The natural successor to the existing systems currently on the market, Optilite® is the complete solution for special protein analysis, optimized for Freelite® and Hevylite® as well as a wide range of additional special protein tests.

Enhanced efficiency

Optilite® has been evaluated in countries throughout Europe including England, France, Italy, Spain and Belgium, with impressive results. In some cases, labs have reported an average 40% decrease in the time it takes for them to run assays on Optilite®, compared with other market leading protein systems.

These results are achieved by using advanced technology to improve efficiency. Re-dilution to end result allows the skilled operator to use their time more effectively. Hands on time is further reduced by high reagent capacity and on board reagent cooling.

Optimized workflow

Operators can streamline their workflow and plan their day effectively thanks to continuous sample loading, consistent scheduling and flexible loading of sample types.

For all laboratories, having confidence in results is perhaps the most important specification of all. Optilite® is the culmination of Binding Site’s expertize in special protein analysis. It encompasses the most advanced technology available in to a neatly compact, cutting-edge, bench-top analyzer. Robust antigen excess protection with three detection methods that can be tailored to individual assays ensures accurate and reliable results.

Not surprisingly, Optilite® has already been receiving rave reviews from early adopters. You can find out more about the new system by watching the video below.

Optilite delivers the ideal solution for your special protein laboratory

