Bio-Rad Introduces a New Extended Range Protein Standard: the Precision Plus Protein™ Dual Xtra Standard

30 Mar 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Bio-Rad Laboratories introduces a new addition to its Precision Plus Protein line of protein standards: the Precision Plus Protein Dual Xtra standard, which provides 12 reference bands, from 2 kD to 250 kD. Researchers can now perform electrophoresis experiments with proteins of varying sizes using the Precision Plus Protein Dual Xtra standard. Before the Dual Xtra standard was available, two lanes in a gel were needed to load two different markers for precise measurement of proteins in the high and low molecular weight range.

"The extended range of the Precision Plus Protein Dual Xtra standard allows researchers to use just one molecular weight standard, whether they need to assess proteins with a wide molecular weight range or to focus on the low range only," said Katy McGirr, PhD, product manager in the Laboratory Separations Division of Bio-Rad. "The Dual Xtra standard simplifies the electrophoresis process because only one lane in the gel is required, and there is a single ladder pattern to remember." The new Precision Plus Protein Dual Xtra standard still offers the sharp, bright, evenly spaced bands that researchers using the Precision Plus Protein family of standards have come to rely on. The bands can be used to monitor the electrophoresis process and the transfer of proteins from gel to membrane during western blotting and to estimate the molecular weight of protein samples.

The standard's 12 dual-color bands, in pink and blue, facilitate straightforward analysis of protein orientation in the gel and on the blot. At 2 kD, the smallest pink reference band clearly stands out from the dye front. The bands are verified by mass spectrometry for consistent migration from lot to lot and more reliable molecular weight estimation. Those familiar with Precision Plus Protein recombinant standards will find that the new Dual Xtra standard shares the same migration pattern
as the product family's other markers and maintains the high level of quality and accuracy that researchers have come to expect. The dyes used are naturally fluorescent, so they can also be used for fluorescent multiplexing. The introduction of the Precision Plus Protein Dual Xtra standard is part of Bio-Rad's effort to deliver innovative solutions to guide electrophoresis research into the future.

