Bio-Rad Introduces the New ZOE™ Fluorescent Cell Imager

29 Sept 2014
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. has announced the launch of the ZOE™ Fluorescent Cell Imager, one of the first cell imaging systems able to deliver the power of microscopy in a system that is as easy to use as a tablet. The system includes three fluorescent channels and brightfield to simplify fluorescence imaging for cell culture applications.

Fluorescence microscopes are used in traditional cell culture workflows to confirm transfection efficiency and visualize fluorescent proteins. Performing this task requires training and the process can be time-consuming. Fluorescence microscopes can take 15 minutes to warm up and the systems are often located in a separate facility that is outfitted with a darkroom.

However, the ZOE Fluorescent Cell Imager’s LEDs are instantly ready to use after the power is turned on. Researchers simply place their culture dish onto ZOE’s stage and then access all controls using the LCD touch screen, tapping the screen to capture images and pinching with their fingers to zoom up to 20x magnification. Outfitted with a light shield, ZOE enables users to perform fluorescence experiments in ambient light on their lab benchtop, eliminating the need for a dedicated darkroom.

“Users report they turn on ZOE and know immediately what to do, even those who are imaging cell fluorescence for the first time,” said Veronika Kortisova-Descamps, Bio-Rad product manager, Cell Biology.

Additional Benefits of ZOE
• Multichannel fluorescence — detection of fluorescence emission at blue, green, and red wavelengths is accomplished with three fluorescence channels optimized for commonly used fluorophores
• Large field of view — motorized stage and large field of view (0.70 mm2) enable researchers to see more of their sample, faster
• Manipulate and store images on hard drive — users can merge images for co-expression experiments and store up to 12 GB of image files for export to a USB flash drive

