Bio-Rad Offers Real-Time PCR Technology for Forensics DNA Analysis

11 Jun 2008

Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., a multinational manufacturer and distributor of life science research products and clinical diagnostics, today announced the availability of Bio-Rad’s bulletin (number 5563) entitled “Biotechnology Explorer™ Crime Scene Investigator PCR Basics™ Kit: A Real-Time PCR Extension.” Developed for conventional PCR and end-point analysis of amplification products by gel electrophoresis, the kit can also be easily adapted for instruction in real-time PCR.

Bulletin 5563 was designed as a teaching tool to help instructors teach students the principles of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and its use in forensic DNA analysis. By the end of the exercise described in the bulletin, students will:

  • Better understand key differences between the goals of conventional PCR and real-time PCR analysis
  • Be able to analyze and evaluate real-time PCR results
  • Understand the advantage of melt-curve analysis of the SYBR Green I detection chemistry and be able to compare this with final amplification products using agarose gel analysis
  • Be able to determine the accuracy and reliability of pipeting techniques by preparing duplicate or triplicate serial dilutions of template DNA
  • Discover the sensitivity of PCR and how little template is required for detectable amplification results
  • Understand how real-time PCR can quantitate the DNA in a sample
  • Have developed an understanding of the molecular basis of DNA amplification reactions using real-time thermal cyclers

Application Note Availability
Bulletin 5563 is available either from a local Bio-Rad sales office or can be downloaded via the article webpage.

