Bio-Rad’s Biomarker Research Guide Available

14 Feb 2008

Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., a multinational manufacturer and distributor of life science research and clinical diagnostic products, announced today the availability of a comprehensive biomarker research guide entitled, “Biomarker Discovery Using SELDI Technology - A Guide to Successful Study and Experimental Design” (bulletin 5642A).

"Bio-Rad wants to help scientists who are starting or intending to start a biomarker discovery project to succeed in their research”, said Bio-Rad Senior Product Manager Julie Hey. “All of the factors they need to consider are included in our guide. It will help them avoid the common mistakes and pitfalls that have plagued protein biomarker discovery research in the past."

Biomarker attrition can be reduced with appropriate study designs that screen larger numbers of patients and take into account pre-analytical and analytical biases. The goal of the guide is to provide a series of recommendations for effective study design. General guidelines are provided that apply to virtually any proteomics technology. In addition, specific recommendations are provided for use of Bio-Rad’s ProteinChip® surface-enhanced laser desorption/ionization (SELDI) system.

The guide provides an overview of the biomarker research process and factors to consider when designing any biomarker research project. It also offers recommendations to follow during study design as well as those that are specific to users of the ProteinChip SELDI system.

Tables, figures, diagrams, images, and graphs that are supported with detailed step-by-step processes and schematics throughout the guide will help ensure accurate and rigorous research design.

The biomarker guide (bulletin 5642) is available via the article webpage.

