BioAuxilium Research launches new THUNDER TR-FRET biomarker assay kits and an enhanced assay development service

The new technology hopes to meet customer demand for high-performing, reliable yet affordable immunoassays

28 Feb 2023
Lawrence Howes
Editorial Assistant

At the 2023 Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening (SLAS) international conference and exhibition in San Diego, BioAuxilium Research Inc., a biotech tool company focused on facilitating access to fully validated assay kits to the biomedical research community, has announced the expansion of its no-wash THUNDER time-resolved Förster resonance energy transfer (TR-FRET) technology portfolio by introducing six new biomarker research assay kits, a reader control kit, and an enhanced assay development service for drug discovery research.

BioAuxilium developed the new biomarker assays in response to customer requests for reliable cell-based assays that provide an alternative to expensive immunoassay platforms such as other TR‑FRET and bead-based assay technologies. The new offerings include a panel of six key mouse inflammatory cytokines (CCL-2/MCP1, IFN-beta, IFN-gamma, IL-2, IL-6, and TNF-alpha), expanding the company’s portfolio to a total of 100 cell-based assay kits (76 Cell Signaling Kinases, 23 Biomarkers, and a cAMP Assay). The ready-to-use reader control kit allows users to assess in just 10 minutes the suitability of TR‑FRET compatible microplate readers to perform europium-based TR-FRET measurements.

The new assay development service offers three types of custom assay solutions: labeling of antibodies with proprietary TR-FRET fluorophores, custom assay development services, and custom kit development services. These comprehensive, yet flexible custom solutions are designed to fast-track assay development, while further reducing risk, turnaround time, and cost.

THUNDER TR-FRET technology from BioAuxilium is a robust, proprietary platform based on a FRET pair showing an enhanced spectral compatibility and TR-FRET signal, best antibody pairs selected specifically for TR-FRET, and a panel of optimized lysis and assay buffers. In addition, the 'add-incubate-read' protocol of the immunoassay platform, combined with its full compatibility with different TR-FRET readers, facilitates streamlined workflows and automation for high-throughput screening. All THUNDER TR-FRET assays are extensively validated to ensure specificity, sensitivity, reproducibility, and lot-to-lot consistency.

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