BIOBASE Launches Genome Trax™ for Next Generation Sequencing Analysis

12 Oct 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Genome Trax™ from BIOBASE enables researchers to identify genome variations of functional significance by mapping them to known elements such as gene regulatory sites and disease-linked mutations.

Researchers interpreting large numbers of sequence variants can now easily distinguish those variants that have biological importance. Genome Trax contains unique, manually-curated data from peer-reviewed literature, and is designed for seamless integration into existing NGS analysis workflows.

Dr. Frank Schacherer of BIOBASE GmbH said, “We have a powerful dataset that has been used for many high-profile human genome projects, such as the Craig Venter and the 1000 Genomes project. With Genome Trax, we are making this data available in a form that is easy to use, and are confident it will greatly facilitate discovery in this important field of research.”

