BioCision Expands CoolCell Range to Help with Colour-Coded Cell Freezing

10 Feb 2011
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

BioCision announces the addition of orange and green versions its original purple CoolCell to provide useful colour-coding. The colours allow you to instantly identify different cell types or different researchers’ samples in a shared freezer.

CoolCell features a solid thermal core for consistent, controlled –1ºC/minute cell freezing in a –80ºC freezer, without any alcohol. Requiring less than 5 minutes between freezing cycles and no maintenance, CoolCell provides truly user-friendly and environmentally-conscious cell freezing.
Michelle Nemits, BioCision VP, Sales and Business Development, commented, ‘Such has been the success of CoolCell that laboratory freezers often contain many units, so we have launched two new colours to help users identify their frozen cell samples more quickly. CoolCell offers many advantages compared with alcohol-filled containers, which require continuous maintenance and are less reproducible than our innovative controlled freezing technology. Setting a new standard of excellence in cryopreservation, CoolCell is inexpensive and even pays for itself very quickly by using a novel alloy core instead of hazardous solvents.’

Eliminating the use of hazardous solvents, such as isopropanol, is a major benefit of CoolCell, helping labs reduce hazardous waste as well as avoiding cost for replacement. Importantly, the elimination of alcohol also means the elimination of variability in freezing runs. CoolCell delivers high reproducibility, consistent cooling of –1ºC/minute and identical freezing profiles each time. The result is superior cell viability and function and more reliable cell assays for scientific, clinical and diagnostic procedures.

Ideal for cell lines, stem cells, PBMC, any primary cell and yeast, CoolCell holds 12 screw cap 2ml cryotubes for convenient multiple batch freezing in a –80ºC freezer. No pre-cooling is necessary; CoolCell can be placed in the freezer at any angle and freezer heating is only one-third that caused by an alcohol-filled container avoiding thawing of neighbouring sample boxes. Samples are ready for archive storage within 3 hours, while rapid recycling between freezes saves valuable time. The unbreakable, insulated design of the CoolCell ensures easy portability of frozen cells – without ‘frosty’ fingers – and the lid opens easily even when frozen.

