BioFocus DPI launches five new compound libraries

3 Sept 2007

Five novel hit-finding compound libraries targeting the ion channel gene family have been released today by BioFocus DPI. Created using advanced modeling tools, these new libraries are specifically aimed at voltage-dependent and ligand-gated channels, two of the most important and commonly chosen classes of ion channels for drug discovery.

The three new SoftFocus Ion Channel (SFI) libraries target voltage-dependent channels, primarily focusing on sodium and calcium channels to complement BioFocus DPI’s earlier libraries focused on potassium channels. These libraries were designed using BioFocus DPI’s proprietary chemogenomic tool Helical Domain Recognition Analysis.

The two new FieldFocus libraries target members of the transient receptor potential (TRP) channel, including TPRV, TRPM and TRPAs, and were created in collaboration with Cresset BioMolecular’s FieldPrint technology.

The compounds within these five new ion channel libraries have attractive physicochemical properties, making them ideal starting points in hit-to-lead programs. Furthermore, robust synthetic procedures have been developed, which will help facilitate rapid hit follow-up. The libraries are part of BioFocus DPI’s commitment to provide an unparalleled service offering in ion channel drug discovery including, in-house state-of-the-art high-throughput ion channel screening.

“Our entire design and synthesis process is driven by the fundamental belief that drug discovery will be more successful by starting with novel molecules designed to selectively interact with distinct gene families,” said Phil Dudfield, VP Discovery Products, BioFocus DPI. “This approach results in the outstanding success that our compound libraries have delivered for our partners’ drug discovery programs.”
