BIOINQUIRE releases ProteoIQ version 1.1: enhanced time saving functionality with improved accuracy

19 Aug 2008

BIOINQUIRE is pleased to announce the release of Version 1.1 of the proteomics software suite, ProteoIQ. ProteoIQ is an innovative bioinformatics tool that analyzes proteomic data and provides researchers with an automated methodology for determining protein expression without the need for tedious manual data analysis. Version 1.1 offers additional time saving features while improving the protein assignment accuracy.

ProteoIQ version 1.1 allows users to customize how tandem mass spectra are displayed, including annotation of ion series labels, charge states, and enhanced screening functionality for identifying neutral losses. “The neutral loss mapping feature, provides a powerful method for validating phosphorylated and glycosylated peptide identifications while greatly reducing the frequency of false positive assignments,” said James Atwood III, Chief Operating Officer and co-founder of BIOINQUIRE.

Additional functionality of ProteoIQ Version 1.1 enables researchers to export annotated MS/MS spectra for identified peptides and save proteomic results in a format that completely conforms with the Paris Guidelines for the Reporting of Protein Identification Data. Proteomics results generated in ProteoIQ, whether qualitative or quantitative, can now be exported in standard formats that are immediately ready for submission to popular scientific journals saving researchers valuable time.

ProteoIQ is particularly well-suited for comparative proteomic analyses, where spectral counting-based quantification is combined with data mining functions to enable researchers to find differences between multiple proteomic data sets. The software generates statistically validated protein sets, which can then be compared. Proteins that are different across multiple proteomes can be easily identified using the difference function. Taking the intersection of two proteomes allows the researcher to obtain expression levels of those proteins in common.

ProteoIQ can be purchased online via the company webpage. Current ProteoIQ users can upgrade their current software to version 1.1, free of charge, at the same website.

