bioMérieux molecular tests efficiently detect SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant

bioMérieux conducts in-depth analyses of its molecular tests on emerging variants of concern

2 Dec 2021
Dora Wells
Clinical Content Editor

As the incidence of infections with the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant (B.1.1. 529) continues to rise, there is much concern about diagnostic tests ability to efficiently detect this multi-mutated form of the COVID-19 virus.

Since the beginning of the pandemic bioMérieux's research and development teams have closely monitored the emergence of each variants of concern and systematically conducted in-depth in silico internal analyses.

These analyses allow bioMérieux to confirm that to date its BIOFIRE® and ARGENE® molecular tests efficiently amplify and detect SARS-CoV-2 infection with Omicron variant with an unchanged performance.

From the early onset of the pandemic, bioMérieux has been committed to meeting the COVID-19 public health challenge. The company has been following the evolution of the pandemic and the scientific knowledge about the virus with the utmost attention and continuously works to anticipate developments in diagnostic tests that will meet future public health needs.

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