Bioo Scientific Launched the AIR™ DNA Fragmentation Kit for Genomic DNA Fragmentation

17 Apr 2011
bridget bridget
Laboratory Director

Bioo Scientific continues to expand its line of kits designed to increase the flexibility of next generation sequencing library preparation with the launch of the AIR™ DNA Fragmentation Kit. The AIR™ DNA Fragmentation Kit offers a cost-effective procedure for the fragmentation of genomic DNA in next generation sequencing sample prep and has been optimized to physically shear uniform fragments of genomic DNA. This fragmentation step is a critical first step for next generation sequencing of genomic DNA.

The AIR™ DNA Fragmentation Kit was developed in collaboration with Eureka Genomics, a San Francisco bay area next-generation sequencing service provider which specializes in Illumina GAIIx sequencing and advanced bioinformatics analysis of sequence data. This collaboration allowed us to merge Bioo Scientific expertise in the development of unique library preparation solutions for next generation sequencing along with Eureka Genomics’ extensive experience as a service provider to improve traditional genomic DNA fragmentation protocol in a novel way. The AIR DNA Fragmentation Kit fragments DNA more efficiently than traditional nebulization protocols offering 30% greater DNA recovery than traditional fragmentation protocols. This kit contains nebulizers, a proprietary fragmentation buffer and complete instructions. AIR DNA Fragmentation Kit is designed to prepare libraries for either the Illumina/Solexa or the Roche 454 sequencing platform.

The AIR™ DNA Fragmentation Kit contains a redesigned nebulizer and optimized buffers and protocol that result in highly reproducible DNA shearing, with DNA fragment length distribution ideal for next generation sequencing library preparation. “The AIR™ DNA Fragmentation Kit is highly optimized and reduces the costs of library preparation while yielding consistent results“ said Dr. Heather Koshinsky, Chief Scientific Officer at Eureka Genomics.
