Bioo Scientific Launches a Sensitive ELISA for Detection of Melamine Contamination in Food

14 Jan 2011
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

The MaxSignal® Melamine ELISA Kit from Bioo Scientific offers sensitive detection of melamine in food and feed samples. This Kit has been optimized to offer a very low background and can be used to detect melamine contamination at concentrations as low as 0.2 ppm. This kit also offers unique and robust sample preparation protocols for milk, milk powder, feed, meat and even difficult sample types, such as chocolate, while offering recovery rates of 80% or better. The MaxSignal Melamine ELISA Kit was designed to be the most sensitive ELISA available and is ideal for the rapid screening of food and feed samples for melamine contamination.

Recently melamine contamination has been identified in food sources including infant formula, milk and pet food. Melamine is a dangerous, nitrogen-rich organic compound that is illegally added to food and feed to increase its apparent protein content. Melamine can also inadvertently contaminate food, as it is used in the production of some countertops and kitchenware, among other things. Consumption of melamine can cause highly insoluble melamine cyanurate crystals to form in the kidney, which damage renal cells and can result in renal failure or death. The establishment of safety thresholds for melamine in food has led to a need for sensitive and inexpensive melamine detection method for regular screening of food and feed samples. Bioo Scientific’s MaxSignal Melamine ELISA Kit has been developed to meet these needs.
