Bioo Scientific Launches ELISA to Detect Trifluralin in Food

5 May 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Bioo Scientific announces the availability of its MaxSignal® Trifluralin ELISA kit. This kit is the only commercially available ELISA which rapidly and affordably screens meat and fish samples for contamination from the herbicide trifluralin.

Trifluralin is a selective, preemergence dinitroaniline herbicide commonly used to control grassy and broadleaf weeds. Trifluralin can persist in soils for many months after it is used and has been shown to be highly toxic to aquatic animals.

The MaxSignal Trifluralin ELISA Test Kit offers food safety analysts a sensitive and cost-effective alternative to expensive mass spectrometry assays for detecting trifluralin in food. With a detection limit of 0.4 ppb for both meat and fish samples, the MaxSignal Trifluralin ELISA Test Kit allows for the accurate detection quantitation of trifluralin. This kit also offers highly reproducible results and a recovery rate of >75% using the trifluralin extraction buffer supplied in the kit.
