Bioo Scientific Receives USDA Approval for using its ELISA to Screen Meat for Ractopamine Residues

2 Sept 2015
Chelsie Phillips
Temporary Editorial Assistant

Bioo Scientific’s MaxSignal® Ractopamine ELISA Test Kit has been approved by the United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service, Science and Technology Program, Laboratory Approval Service, to be used for the verification testing requirements for screening of meat in the Quality System Verification Program (QSVP), Never Fed Beta- Agonists Marketing Program.

The MaxSignal® Ractopamine ELISA Test Kit incorporates a novel, proprietary sample extraction protocol which enables the detection of as little as 0.1 ppb of ractopamine in pork and other meat samples, a concentration well below the 1 ppb minimal required performance limit (MRPL) often used by countries which have banned this substance.

The USDA's 'Never Fed Beta Agonists' marketing claim is available to companies that produce livestock, beef and pork products and submit marketing programs to the Livestock, Poultry and Seed (LPS) Program for verification and monitoring. This marketing claim was developed to help U.S. manufacturers sell to customers that require verification that the meat is derived from animals that were never fed beta-agonists, and is free of beta-agonist residues.

The MaxSignal Ractopamine ELISA Test Kit is manufactured to the international quality standard ISO 9001:2008 (ISO CI#: SARA-2009-CA-0114-A).
