BioProgress announces the OTC launch of sore throat treatment, Collunovar for Dexo France

14 May 2006

BioProgress, the speciality pharmaceutical and healthcare company, today announced that its treatment for sore throats, Collunovar, has been launched in France as an over-the-counter (OTC) medicine.

The product has previously been marketed only to doctors for prescription use. The change of status will increase the market potential for the product with the ability to launch new line extensions.

Collunovar is one of the brands acquired by BioProgress with the acquisition of Dexo in January 2006. It is a product that contains the molecule Chlorhexidine which acts as a local antibacterial agent in the mouth. It can be used for the treatment of sore throats and other oral conditions such as gingivitis.

With Collunovar as an OTC medicine, Dexo France plans to build a core franchise in the cough and cold category using a long established brand with good prescription heritage. BioProgress plans to develop new line extensions using the Company's XGELT polymer technologies.

Dexo has also extended its agreement with the pharmaceutical sales and marketing company, Cristers, to incorporate Collunovar. The Company expects this extension to help maximise the sales of the product to retail pharmacies before the traditional buy-in period for the cough and cold season.

Richard Trevillion, CEO of BioProgress said: "Collunovar is an important strategic product for our Dexo subsidiary. By delivering a well known brand into the OTC arena Collunovar will not only deliver short term organic growth, but more importantly, it will serve as a core brand to launch a number of other products in the market sector using our technology. Our ongoing confidence with the Cristers management has allowed us to accelerate our OTC ambitions in France. The launch highlights our proactive management in creating revenue growth for our shareholders"

BioProgress is currently developing a number of reformulated products using a variety of the Group's platform technologies, including TABWRAPT, SWOLLOT and WAFERTABT, and based on existing branded and generic formulations.
