Biosearch Technologies Executes Exclusive License for turboFISH™

10 Oct 2013
Sonia Nicholas
Managing Editor and Clinical Lead

Biosearch Technologies, Inc. (Biosearch), a leading supplier of sophisticated oligonucleotide components to the rapidly growing molecular diagnostics industry has acquired exclusive worldwide rights to turboFISH technology - A Method for Rapid Single Molecule RNA FISH. With this turboFISH license, Biosearch maintains exclusive access to continuing Stellaris® RNA FISH based inventions from Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.

Co-inventor, Arjun Raj, now an assistant professor at the University of Pennsylvania states, "We are very excited about the possibilities that ultra rapid RNA FISH opens up, particularly in diagnostic applications. Being able to perform a protocol in 5 minutes (or sometimes as little as 30 seconds) with virtually no loss in signal integrity marks a huge shift in our conception of what one can do with RNA FISH."

“Point of Care, point of contact, hospital bedside and immediate care facilities are now target markets for real-time gene expression analysis using turboFISH,” comments Marc Beal, Director of Corporate Development and Licensing at Biosearch. “Extending turboFISH into the OR for intraoperative analysis may allow for real-time cancer diagnostics, eliminating the need, ambiguities and procedure of formalin fixation and paraffin embedding tissues for days later analysis.”
