BioTek Announces New Epoch™ 2 Microplate Spectrophotometer

3 Jan 2019
Finn Price
Administrator / Office Personnel

BioTek Instruments introduces their next generation Epoch™ 2 Microplate Spectrophotometer; with added features that enable multiple conveniences for performing absorbance measurements. Epoch 2 now includes monochromator-based individual wavelength selection or wavelength scanning from 200-999 nm to accommodate an extensive range of assays, including nucleic acid and protein quantification, ELISA, microbial growth, endotoxin, ROS assays and enzyme kinetics.

The new onboard software in Epoch 2 eliminates the need for a separate computer and includes predefined common protocols for rapid assay setup and recall. Custom protocol definition, storage and selection are easily accomplished via the optional color touchscreen interface. Endpoint, kinetic and spectral scanning applications are all available from the touchscreen; data can be output to a USB flash drive or printer.

Epoch 2 is compatible with 6- to 384-well microplates and cuvettes as well as BioTek’s Take3™ Micro-Volume Plate for dilution-free nucleic acid quantification in volumes as low as 2 µL. Advanced shaking profiles include linear, orbital and double orbital, and 4-Zone™ incubation to 65 ºC and Condensation Control™ facilitate temperature-sensitive assays. Epoch 2 is compatible with BioTek’s BioStack™ Microplate Stacker and BioSpa 8™ Automated Incubator as well as third-party systems for complete workflow automation.

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