BioTek Celebrates Multiple SelectScience<sup>®</sup> Scientists’ Choice Awards<sup>®</sup>
14 Feb 2017
BioTek Instruments was awarded two SelectScience “Scientists’ Choice Awards”, as announced at a special ceremony on February 6 during the SLAS 2017 Conference and Exhibition in Washington D.C. The awards are nominated and voted for by SelectScience’s global community of research scientists.
The Scientists' Choice Award for Best Drug Discovery & Development Article was awarded for an article discussing a complete live cell culture workflow for research into cancer-causing genetic abnormalities and potential therapies, using BioTek’s EL406™ Combination Washer Dispenser, BioSpa™ 8 Automated Incubator and Cytation™ 3 Cell Imaging Multi-Mode Reader. The automated system increases throughput and enhances the scope of research for Dr. Kirk McManus, Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry & Medical Genetics at the University of Manitoba and Senior Scientist within the Research Institute in Oncology at CancerCare Manitoba.
BioTek’s Synergy™ Neo2 Multi-Mode Reader won the Reviewers' Choice Award for Drug Discovery & Development Product of the Year, based on SelectScience member reviews. Synergy Neo2 is BioTek’s fastest, highest-performing reader for cell-based and biochemical assays. It incorporates up to four PMTs and patented Hybrid Technology™, which combines filter- and monochromator-based detection, for unmatched assay versatility and ultra-fast results.
Additionally, BioTek’s Lionheart™ FX Automated Live Cell Imager with Augmented Microscopy™ received mention as a runner up for Best New Drug Discovery Development Product of 2016. Lionheart FX is a fully-integrated digital microscopy system, with fluorescence, brightfield, color brightfield and phase contrast imaging modes up to 100x magnification, along with automated image capture, processing and analysis. Temperature and gas control, along with optional humidity chamber and reagent injector, provide optimal conditions for live cell imaging applications.