BioTek Instruments and Gyrasol Technologies Enter Marketing Agreement

1 Sept 2008

BioTek Instruments, Inc., and Gyrasol Technologies announce a co-marketing arrangement to jointly promote the application of Gyrasol's unique Gyrasol Sensor fluorescence-based assay platform on BioTek's Synergy™ 4 with Hybrid Technology™ Multi-Mode Microplate Reader.

"Flexibility is critically important to us because we develop diverse assays to solve a wide range of customers' problems," noted Susan K. Burgess, President and CEO of Gyrasol Technologies. "We need an instrument that is agile enough to create new validation assays for emerging drug targets, and readily adaptable to scale up assays for high-throughput screening. The Synergy 4 is a perfect fit as it performs reliably in a variety of readout formats in both kinetic and end-point modes, and its monochromator-based technology is essential for streamlined platform development."

The proprietary Gyrasol Sensor detection platform screens for kinases and phosphatases in a homogeneous format, providing robust readouts for phosphorylation events on a variety of biologically relevant substrates. The assay platform has unusually high tolerance to ATP (up to 1 mM) and substrate (up to 200 µM), allowing for identification of ATP- or substrate-competitive inhibitors. For many kinases, the assays can be performed in kinetic as well as end-point mode, thus greatly simplifying assay optimization and the determination of inhibitor modes of action.

BioTek's patent-pending Synergy™ 4 Hybrid Microplate Reader is the first in a new class of readers to combine sensitive filter-based and flexible quadruple monochromator-based fluorescence detection technology in one compact unit. Using Hybrid Technology™, customers benefit from endless flexibility and true multi-detection for an unlimited number of current and future microplate-based assays. In addition, Synergy 4 includes Fluorescence Intensity, Luminescence, Fluorescence Polarization, Time-Resolved Fluorescence, and UV-Visible Absorbance.

Commenting on the agreement, Burgess said, "We're pleased that the strong working relationship we've built with BioTek will be consolidated through our strategic co-marketing agreement, and are confident that our customers who adopt this system will also enjoy BioTek's unusually high level of personalized customer support."

