BioTek Offers Peristaltic Pump Cassette Recalibration Options

25 Feb 2011
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

BioTek now offers three options to customers requiring peristaltic pump cassette recalibration for MultiFlo™ Microplate Dispenser, EL406™ Combination Washer Dispenser and MicroFlo™ Select Microplate Dispenser.

• Option #1: Customers may send used cassettes to BioTek's Depot Service Center for refurbishment. Return forms may be requested at BioTek's online Customer Resource Center which can be accessed via the 'Company article page' link top right of this page.

• Option #2: Replacement cassette tubing may be purchased for users to install and calibrate themselves. BioTek's Cassette Calibration Kit is required.

• Option #3: New pre-calibrated cassettes may be purchased.
Jason Greene, Product Manager, noted, "With these options, our customers can choose a recalibration option to suit their laboratory's needs and budget; ensuring precise results from their BioTek dispensers."

