BioTek to Present Microplate Instrumentation and Snapshot Presentations at ELRIG 2010

24 Aug 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

BioTek specialists will be on-hand on booth M1 & N1 to provide information on drug discovery microplate instrumentation, including those products on display such as the new Synergy 2 Alpha, Epoch System, EL406, Synergy H4, and BioStack. Attendees are also invited to attend two Snapshot Presentations and poster presentations.

Snapshot Presentations:
Strategies to Reduce Candidate Attrition: Automated Triplexed Hepatocyte-Based Viability and CYP1A and CYP3A Induction Assays in 96 and 384-well Microplates

Presented By: Peter Banks, Chief Scientific Officer, BioTek Instruments

The ability to monitor CYP induction, inhibition, and cytotoxicity by xenobiotics using an automated, multiplexed format can decrease workloads and increase data confidence. Here we demonstrate the ability to monitor CYP1A and -3A induction, combined with a cytotoxicity measurement, from a single well using cryopreserved human hepatocytes. The assay procedure was automated in 96- and 384-well formats, including cell manipulations, compound titration and transfer, and reagent dispensing, using simple, yet robust robotic instrumentation. IC50 values were derived for multiple known inducers of CYP1A and -3A from an 11-point curve. Pharmacological and toxicological responses in the triplex system were validated based on consistency with conventional single parameter assays. The ability to measure three critical responses from a single sample streamlined work flow, derived maximum value from costly hepatocytes, and provided a means for reaching more biologically relevant conclusions.

When: Wednesday, September 1st, snapshot presentations begin at 12:15, BioTek will be presenting sometime between 12:15 and 12:45

Drug Discovery Automation: New Microplate Dispenser
Presented By: Peter Banks, Chief Scientific Officer, BioTek Instruments

BioTek's latest Microplate Dispenser release offers fully modular reagent dispensing in 96-, 384- and 1536-well formats. Up until now scientists were forced to decide between predominantly two technologies, each with its unique advantages. Peristaltic pumps offer exceptionally low prime volumes and convenience, while syringe pumps are 'program and forget' solutions requiring no recalibration. With its multi-mode design, the new dispenser allows choice of up to four dispense technologies consisting of either peristaltic and syringe dispense pumps on a single, small footprint platform.

When: Thursday, September 2nd, snapshot presentations begin at 12:00, BioTek will be presenting sometime between 12:00 and 12:30

In addition, be sure to visit BioTek's poster presentations:
• Use of a Flexible Multipurpose Automated 1536-well Microplate Dispenser for HTS
• Homogeneous Cell-Based Signal Transduction Assays
• HTRF Ligand Binding Assay for the Chemokine Receptor CXCR4
• Automation of a Live-Cell Assay to Interrogate GPCRs by monitoring cAMP Levels using a Bioluminescent Readout

