Biotrak™ Assay Methods for use with Biochrom Microplate Readers

15 Nov 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Biochrom Ltd announces increased functionality in its microplate readers that now enable users of GE Healthcare’s popular Biotrak range of immunoassay kits to download pre-programmed method definitions.

Instead of loading methods manually, users can automatically pre-program the microplate reader with plate setup, standard curve, and analysis software for all Biotrak™ assays with colorimetric end point including EIA, ELISA, and activity assay formats. This saves time and helps reduce the chance of errors.

The Biotrak range covers a wide range of EIA applications for research use including cytokines, growth factors, cell proliferation, signal transduction, eicosanoids and matrix metalloproteinases. The method definitions are designed for use on the Biochrom Asys Expert Plus and the Biochrom Anthos MultiRead 400 microplate readers.

