Bitplane Showcases Latest 3D and 4D Microscopy Software Solution at mmc2014

16 Jun 2014
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

Bitplane AG, the world’s leading interactive 3D and 4D image visualization and analysis software company, along with Andor Technology, a world leader in scientific imaging, spectroscopy solutions and microscopy systems, will be exhibiting at the 2014 Microscience Microscopy Congress in Manchester, from Tuesday 1st to Thursday 3rd July 2014.

Bitplane will be showcasing the latest version of Imaris. Imaris is Bitplane’s core software module that delivers all the necessary functionality for data visualization, analysis, segmentation and interpretation of 3D and 4D microscopy datasets. Combining speed, precision and ease of use Imaris provides a complete set of features for working with three and four-dimensional multi-channel images of any size.

The mmc2014 conference will feature four parallel sessions, along with the annual UK Scanning Probe Microscopy meeting sessions, Frontiers in BioImaging meeting sessions, a session on advanced electron microscopy convened by the Electron Micrscopy and analysis Group (EMAG) of the Institure of Physics, and a two day session on Advanced Measurement Technology in 21st Century. With sessions covering: Life Sciences, Materials Science, Light Microscopy, Electron Microscopy, Fluorescence Imaging, and Flow Cytometry.

