BMG LABTECH announces the new Omega series – the world’s first multimode microplate readers with UV/Vis spectrometer

8 Oct 2007
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

The Omega series offers up to five detection modes including high speed, full spectrum absorbance measurements. The new spectrometer technology allows full UV/Vis spectrum analysis from 220 to 850 nm at a resolution of 1 nm. A full absorbance spectrum can be measured in less than one second per well, which is dozens of times faster than any competing method.

For the greatest flexibility in microplate-based assays the new Omega series can read from 6- to 384-well plates in all detection modes and offers a number of additional outstanding features: onboard ‘smart’ reagent injectors to initiate kinetic events, top and bottom reading, well scanning, multi-color detection, precise temperature control, multi-mode shaking capabilities, and a gas vent for environment sensitive assays.

The Omega line is made up of four models: the SPECTROstar Omega, a spectrophotometer; the LUMIstar Omega, a luminometer; and the two multidetection readers FLUOstar Omega (fluorescence, time-resolved fluorescence, luminescence, and UV/Vis absorbance spectra) and POLARstar Omega (based on the FLUOstar Omega with additional simultaneous dual emission and fluorescence polarization mode). Due to the absolute modular concept of the Omega family of readers, the SPECTROstar Omega and the LUMIstar Omega are entirely upgradeable to a multidetection microplate reader whenever the need for fluorescence based experiments arrives.

